Remembering God #ThrowBackWednesday #Rare
This is a blog that I wrote on February 27th, 2015...
It's been stored in my notes, and I figured now would be a good time to finally share it.
I don't think it's fully finished. I wrote it at 11:54pm that day, so it's probably just a train of thought.
Regardless, I pray that you are blessed by it!
"And I said, This is my infirmity: but I will remember the years of the right hand of The Most High." - Psalms 77:10
As humans; we experience a lot of obstacles and situations in life. For some, the obstacles seem bigger and harder to get over than others -- but to each his (or her) own. As of lately it has also seemed as if being a Christian is getting harder and harder each day. With society looking down on us, and it even being illegal in some countries (whereas it is punishable by death), some could be left wondering "Why?" or "When is Jesus going to save us?"
However, regardless of what we feel or see happening in the world, we must remember who God really is, and what He is capable of.
It is really hard to not complain during the day. I challenge myself every day to not complain about anything -- not even the smallest thing. I believe complaining is like the enemy's way of trying to get us to forget what God has done/is doing in our lives. Complaints come so fast that before you even realize you're not making anything better, you've already said too much.
On the other side of the spectrum -- have you ever had a moment where you just sat and thought about how God brought you out of a situation? Have you ever just sat and thought to yourself about how good God really is? These are the moments that the devil doesn't want you to have with God. He doesn't want you to have these moments because he knows that when you remember how good God has been throughout the years... You'll start to feel good about your future. He knows that if you can just recall that one time that God healed you or brought you out of that mess then you just might start thinking...
If God did it before, He can do it again.
God bless!
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