Obedience & the Sandwich
So one day I was eating lunch (two PB&J's) when I heard God say "Give your other sandwich to someone else"
I responded "What am I going to eat?"
God said, "What you eat will be enough. I'm about to do something cool, just watch."
I wanted the other sandwich but I wanted to be obedient more.
So I walked around the city looking for someone to give the other sandwich to.
Surprisingly I found no one. Not a single person.
When I thought I found someone, I would head in their direction but it seemed like they were running away.
I began to ask God, "Who is it that you want me to give this to?" "Show me please God"
I had faith that He would show me.
No one was revealed.
Lunch was over and I headed back to the office.
I didn't really feel like giving up.
Mostly because I wanted to see what "cool thing" God was going to do.
Also because I really wanted to be obedient.
So [after] work I walked around some more.
I walked in parts of the city that I've NEVER been to.
I walked long distances.
I walked short distances.
I walked enough to lose at least 5 pounds.
I found no one. I even had a guy kindly tell me no.
I thought about feeding the sandwich to pigeons or eating it myself.
But that would be disobedient.
So when I got home I put the sandwich in the fridge.
7 days later...
Let's stop there. It was literally 7 days later. 7 is the number of completion. I would go deeper into that, but no.
7 days later (as I went to leave the house to go to work) I heard a voice say grab that sandwich out of the fridge.
Once again I hesitated.
But, I realized my hesitation and I said to myself "ok I hear you God"
Around lunch time on this day I became EXTRA LETHARGIC.
I could barely stay awake. I almost fell asleep while eating.
I figured I would go get some juice from the corner store in an attempt to gain some energy.
I brought the sandwich with me.
Irrelevant info but I got a green machine naked juice.
There I was - walking around the city again. Looking for this mysterious person to give this random sandwich to.
I wanted to walk the route that I usually walk, but I said to myself the last time I did that I found no one. I was also very very very low on energy - so I couldn't even fathom walking in that direction.
So I walked a new direction. I told myself I'm going to push through it.
This time around I found someone. An older guy sitting outside of a hotel, I can't remember which hotel...
I don't remember feeling like "This is the guy!" per se but I was def thinking "this is who I'm going to ask."
It took forever to cross the street. I waited. The "walk" sign actually never came up. I jay-walked. ha.
As soon as I asked him if he wanted the sandwich he said yes. No hesitation. I handed him the sandwich and he started to eat it immediately. He took one good look at it and saw what type of sandwich it was and continued to eat it. For some reason, I didn't stay around to watch him eat it. I just continued walking. I think it would've been weird to watch him eat. I also didn't record the hand off because that's kinda weird too.
I felt great after that though. I felt the energy come back to my body instantly and I know it wasn't because of the green juice. The enemy wanted me to give up and become too tired to be obedient to God.
It may seem like "oh all you did was feed a homeless man a sandwich" but to me it was way more than that. It was about hearing God and being obedient to His wishes. Who knows where that homeless man was at in life. Who knows how hungry he really was. That sandwich might have got him through the day for all I know.
Who knows, but if God is in it then I know it was worth it.
I wanted to go help others after that. I even had enough courage to go up to someone else and ask if they needed anything. They declined but I still felt good for asking ha.
"And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams." - 1 Samuel 15:22
Also, if you haven't already made the decision to make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior, I suggest that you make that decision today!
"If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord" and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." - Romans 10:9
After that -- join a good faith based Bible based church -- get baptized -- read The Word everyday! Pray everyday! Trust me, I did it. It's still and will forever be the best decision that I have ever made in life!
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the faith.
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