So last week I released a video on my vlog channel where I discussed the topic of "How to get a Good Woman"...It was based off of a set of notes that I wrote back in 2015. If you've watched the video then you heard me say that the written version would be on this very blog. SO here it is! (I've also added the video at the end just in case you missed it!...ALSO.. you should subscribe to my youtube channel. I'm just saying.) Check out the notes below. And if you haven't already - watch the vid at the end! God bless.

How to get a good woman | talk to um

What's a "Good" woman?

Well She brings him good and not evil all the days of her life. -Proverbs 31:12 ...

She knows that her merchandise is good, and her lamp does not go out in the night. -Proverbs 31:18

She extends her hand to the poor, and reaches out her hand to the needy. -Proverbs 31:20

She is clothed with strength and honor, and she can laugh at the time to come. -Proverbs 31:25

She opens her mouth with wisdom, and loving instruction is on her tongue. -Proverbs 31:26

Charm is deceitful and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord will be praised. -Proverbs 31:30

And she can cook.

How do you get one of these good women you speak of?

I'll give you my seven steps IN ORDER to obtain the goodest woman you've ever had!

1. Get yourself together.

You are what you attract. If you want a good woman you have to try being a good man. God knows that we need women. That's why he put them here. Genesis 2:18 says The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a companion for him who corresponds to him."

GOD HIMSELF made women for us men so that they can correspond with us - the King James Version says help. But how can they help us if we aren't doing anything? Before Adam was blessed with his wife Eve he was in the field working. He had a job he was doing stuff. He wasn't thinking about a female. He was focused on doing what God assigned him to do. Them God blessed him with a wife while he was sleeping fam. Sleeping. Get yourself together bro, write out a solid plan for your life. Seek ye first the kingdom and his righteousness and these things will be added unto you bro it's been like this since the beginning of time!

2. Grow up.

There's a time in life where we feel as if we have to talk to every girl we meet.
"Dang she bad"
"She dumb cute doe"
And that's ok actually. That's how we are made. We are visual creatures. We are attracted to appearances first, probably more than anything BUT looks fade fam, and you'll never be truly satisfied with a woman until you realize that although there are a lot of pretty girls in the world, that doesn't mean you need to be with all of them. And stop trying to have sex all the time bro. The more sex that you have, the more soul ties you'll create, the more soul ties you create, the harder it is to connect with that one true person. Sex doesn't make you cool, if you're not having it you're not lame. If you're a virgin, you're not wack or unattractive. Grow up bruh. One day you're going to be old as crap finally ready to settle down but no one is going to trust you because they know you have a record of just being with women for their body! You're going to be lonely and have a void that you're trying to fill with intimacy that's not real, when God had set up a way to fill that void. It's called marriage.

3. Be serious.

If you don't want a relationship, don't be in one. If you don't want a wife. Don't date. If you think the relationship isn't going to last. Why get in it? If you don't like the girl. Why ask her to be your girlfriend? All you're doing is wasting time by playing games with everybody. Trust me I know. I've been there. Write down what you want in a woman. More than just looks and sex and stuff. But serious things that are compatible for you. And once a girl meets all those needs. Then go for it.

4. PUSH your pride to the side.

Push! Not put. Cuz it's not that easy. But PUSH. We feel as if she gotta be the finest girl ever, gotta dress like this and that if she is with me and all that. Just stop. Look at yourself. Are you even like that all the time? We try to make these women out to be something they aren't all the time, but then we go and just sit around and do crap with ourselves. Lookin like bums but we want our girl to be fine all the time. Accept the girl for how she is. And accept yourself for who you are. A good woman will love you for who you are.

5. Want it.

Man you gotta want it. Don't just say you want a good woman you gotta mean it. Cuz a lot of times we say one thing but feel a different way. We gotta start saying it and it matches up with our feelings. Say it and mean it. A good woman can't help but love the fact that you want her. That's all girls. They just want to be wanted!

6. Pray/Try.

Ya gotta ask God for it. You can want something all day but if it doesn't line up with God's will it won't happen and if you force something that is out of God's will it won't work. But you also have to trust in God's timing. May not come when ya want him, but he'll be there right on time.

7. Be yourself.

Stay true to yourself. Don't change who you are for a woman. If you're seeking God and a woman is seeking God you will not only find God, but you may find each other in the process.

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