About the Show...

Young and Christian™ is a show directed and dedicated to the younger generation of Christians by documenting the struggles (and triumphs) that we as young Christians face on a daily basis. As a young Christian myself, I know how hard it can be to not conform to the desires of the world. I truly believe that by sharing with the world what it is like to not only be a young Christian, (but a Christian period) will enlighten the world, while also giving people with similar beliefs a chance to relate. Hopefully those that are not so sure about being a Christian will watch this show and be inspired to get to know our Lord and savior Jesus Christ himself. In the bigger scheme of things I would like for this to be an actual TV show, I would like this blog site to be a place where other young Christians can gather and discuss matters, and maybe in the future even a Young and Christian™ clothing line where the profits will go to a greater cause. 

In regards to show participation, we are ALWAYS looking for new stars to be ON the show. Unlike typical reality shows which have a set cast, the stars of this show depend on who is willing to participate. 

Are you a young Christian living day to day wondering how you're going to make it through? Are you struggling with some things that you feel like you're alone in? Are you on fire for Jesus and want to show the world how good He has been to you and the others around you? Do you have a message that you feel the world should know but can't figure out how to display it? 


If interested, please send an email to livingoutvisions@gmail.com with the title "Young and Christian". Being on the show is as easy as taking a selfie. 

Thank you for watching the show and we look forward to hearing from you! God bless. 

                                                                                         - Garrett Bell


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