Discussion - Am I Good Enough?

This generation has been manipulated into believing that if we are not a certain way or act a certain way, we will be shunned out of the tribe and thrown out of town. When we try to do things differently from others, we feel out of place or weird and unaccepted. This strange feeling that we get when we feel rejected can lead to over exaggerated attempts to fit in or even depression. In relationships (friendships, girlfriend, boyfriend etc.) we tend to try to make sure we are doing it the right way at all times. We even put these relationships before our very own lives and our own health, and as many of us have probably experienced before, this can cause major problems in our lives.

So why do we do it?

I believe it's because of the need for love. Deep down on the inside we all just want to feel loved. However, problems arise when we look for this feeling of love in the wrong place or places. Amongst other things, this problem has really become an issue within the rise of social media outlets such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. No one on these outlets wants to share the bad things that go on in their lives (which is ok) so they only show the successes or accomplishments that they have achieved. Unfortunately, instead of always appreciating the moment with them, some of us are wired to instantly want to either be like them or get the same praise that that particular person received. This is a very deadly attribute to have, because it blocks us from getting our own blessings.

If you find yourself comparing yourself to others - take a second and think about where you once were and where you are now. Are you doing better? Are you doing worse? Why do you think that is?

The simple matter of the fact is - regardless of where you are or aren't - YOU'VE CHANGED and YOU'VE MOVED in some way or another. You're not in the same place that you once were. You may be there physically, but things have to have changed in sue form or fashion because...

Change is inevitable but growth is optional. 

Change and growth coincide with each other propelling us in our lifespan to different levels that we can reach in life. However growth doesn't just happen on it's own, we have to decide that it's time to grow up and make the changes necessary to make sure it happens. Many times that's a change of thought > which in turn changes actions > which in turn changes results. 

"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." - 1 Corinthians 13:11 

Growing up isn't easy at all. There are things that come with growth that doesn't seem like anything that anyone would do. However with growth comes a different side of life. I could go all day explaining the importance of growing up, and how we also need to grow in our relationship with God to elevate ourselves, but I'll save that for another discussion.

One thing is for certain though, we will never grow if we spend all of our time trying to figure out why we aren't a certain way, or why so and so gets more attention than us and so forth. There are levels in life, and we each reach different levels at different times in our lives. We all have to realize that we aren't all living the same lives and we don't all share the same successes. Just because someone is in a certain place that you may want to be and you're not, doesn't mean that your life is over.

"I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works and my soul knows it very well." - Psalm 139:14

"Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." - Luke 12:7

Those two verses are clear indications about how unique you are. You are fearfully and wonderfully made (which means with time and care) and God knows you so personally that He knows every little thing about you down to how many strands of hair are on your head! So it's clear to see that God considers all of His children important - sort of like a painter and his paintings. However, everyone is different, and we all have different things inside of us (emotions towards certain things, ideas, etc.) ...Once we realize that we are all different, and that we were all made different from anyone else, we can start to appreciate the fact that we are indeed different. Along with the fact that we are all different, we can also assume that means that different things are going to happen in our lives according to how we were made. If you recall last week's post about doubt and discouragement, you will remember Jeremiah 29:11 and how The Lord knows what He has planned for you...The keyword in that verse could be YOU. God knows the plans that He has for YOU.

So when looking at others lives, realize that they are living the way they are and succeeding the way they are because that's what God has planned for THEM and not you. Or maybe He does have something similar to that planned for you, but it's not your time yet. We need to be happy for people when they are are in their triumphs and we need to be there for them when they are in their struggles (and hopefully they'll do the same for us). We SHOULDN'T become jealous, and we shouldn't complain or compare others to us according to where they are. Your time may be coming, but if you're looking at others you may miss it. In your free time I would suggest that you all read Ecclesiastes chapter 3. The entire chapter speaks on how there is a time for everything in life, and how we should all be prepared for the seasons in life and what they bring. Sometimes someone may be in a season of success while you are in a season of what feels like failure, sometimes you may be in a happy season and others around you may be in a sad season. Regardless of what season we are all in, God is and always will be good.

Think about it like this, if you're always downing or comparing yourself to others, that's like telling God, "I don't like how you made me. I wish you would have made me like ______" ...That's basically like telling God that He messed up on you. God doesn't mess up. Trust me.

We must all come to a point in life where we stop looking for validation, love, and acceptance from things that aren't the same as us. Not everyone in the world is going to agree with your life or your choices. However if we align ourselves with what God has planned in our life and seek HIS approval first, we will realize that His opinion is what really matters in the long run.

"But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love" - 1 John 4:8

If you're looking for love... look up.

Comment below something that you do that makes you unique from everyone else.


  1. Oh boy! Lol that is so true man! Our generation has become society driven and impacted. Even in the words we use, and the way we see ourselves. Also, we are some jealous people man. We are never happy for each other. Do you know back in the Old Testament, it was a spiritual law that said you had to celebrate your brother and sister in Christ as a Jew! That's crazy lol... If that was a "government law" here and now, we would all be in jail. Lol I am not trying to get too deep, but I agree 100% with this post. It is a big struggle for myself. I care entirely too much about others opinions! Ugggh it's something I do not like about myself. Lord help! Lol

    1. We all struggle with this. I think a lot of what we do in life is driven by our desire to satisfy other people (family, friends, etc.). I pray that we will all overcome this though.

  2. I think we have all grown so accustomed to wanting to please others that we now think it is normal. Before becoming a Christian I cared so much about what others thought of me, and really, it was not until this past summer that I realized that it is neither necessary nor mentally healthy to do so. We should try to remember that the lives that God has blessed us with are for us to live and were not tailored for anyone else. When Christ came, one of His goals was to give us an abundant life. I actually did not learn until this summer that the abundant life refers to our actual lives and not the eternal life that we will have in heaven. God wants us to live and thrive and be content while being alive...and not to compare our portion to someone else's.

    I sometimes struggle with seeing some of the people I grew up with that are more independent, and have their own businesses and whatever else they showoff on social media, and wanting what they have. But if I continue to spend my time looking at them living their lives then I would be wasting my own life and that does not mirror the abundant life that God gave me when He sent His Son.

    1. Do you ever think that maybe someone is looking at you the same way that you look at your friends? You never know who looks up to you.

    2. You know what, I never thought of that. Like I have cousins and friends that do look up to me...but I guess because I know the good and bad in my life I just never expect someone to really look up to me. It like I want to ask them why, but then again I want to keep doing better.

  3. I forgot to say what makes me unique...hmmm........well.

    I think my silliness is what makes me unique. Many people, including my close friends and family see me as a super serious, church girl that seems quite robotic...but when my bedroom door is closed I do some really goofy stuff that I will NEVER let anyone else see.

    Also, on a more spiritual note, I think my compassion for others is a gift from God that sets me apart. I don't care if I have homework, three exams to study for and no time to sleep...I will stop what I'm doing just so I can be there for someone else.

  4. I have NO IDEA what makes me unique. Let other people tell it, and they can tell you..ha...but as far as I am concerned I just feel like any other person...except I'm a Christian. I don't know why, but at times that just feels like I'm an outcast... I know that Christians are going to be looked at as outcast, but i just feel real different...maybe it's because of the rest of our generation seems like they are on something completely different.


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