
First things first let's set the scene. I am writing this on a Macbook Pro. It's not the latest one but it gets the job done. I edit my videos, pictures, and all other things creative on this computer. I make my music on it and I use it at work... I won't lie it comes in handy. I use my iPhone to read The Bible in the morning, I use it to text and do all the things that a phone does. It's also not the latest one. Really the most important thing that I use my phone for is it's GPS to get places. I have other gadgets too for gaming and creating. With all that being said - I'll be honest - I'm not a fan of technology. I never really have been. Honestly, the newer the gadget the more I'm actually drawn away from it. 

My reasons stem from paranoia and possibly technophobia - the fear of technology. I never really considered it as a fear until recently when I went to get an iPhone SE. After a (long story that I won't share) I ended up just keeping the phone that I currently have and ran back home. I have legitimate reasons as to why I'm cautious with technology though; and it's not just conspiracy theories or he say she say. I won't share my reasons today though, because I don't want to scare any of my readers. Despite my hesitation to the new technology of today I had to remember this:

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind" - 2 Timothy 1:7

Let's look at the good side of technology for a second. There have been multiple advancements from the past to now that have contributed to the betterment of the human race. This fact is found to be extremely true in the healthcare field, with new technologies developing everyday to help serve doctors and nurses with diagnosis and treatments. Phones are literally a computer in your pocket now - which can help with businesses, file sharing, data collecting, checking emails and much more. Social media has also become pretty popular - giving people a chance to stay in touch with family and friends in a way that simply calling or texting may not accomplish. The video game console has changed too - now allowing it's owners to play online with other gamers around the world. 

So where do Christians fit in with all of this? I'm glad you asked. I recently did some light research on the topic and came across two viewpoints that explain better than I can - one from someone that has a slight fear like myself - and another from a pastor who claims technology is actually a blessing from God. Take some time out and check them out below. 

Example 1 - article 

Example 2 - podcast 

The main idea that I received from both of these references is "discernment". I think it's less about what the technology is, and more about what you use it for. As technology advances, we have to be careful that we don't let it control us. Having the latest gadget may be cool and all, but are we using it to glorify God or to satisfy our flesh? Are we depending on technology more than we depend on God? Are we spending more time with our little gadgets and things more than spending time with God? This is truly where the problem arises. Remember -- if all technology were to fail tomorrow -- there would still be The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. 

Listening to the entire podcast that Pastor John shared as well as the article with Shane Hipps put things into a new perspective for me. How can I use the things that I have to bring glory to God, educate myself, and help others find Christ? 

My new personal goal is to try to use all of my gifts, talents, social media, gadgets and toys for enlightenment, encouragement, praise, learning in Christ, and building others and myself up. I think you should do the same!

Also, if you haven't already made the decision to make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior, I suggest that you make that decision today!

"If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord" and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." - Romans 10:9

After that -- join a good faith based Bible based church -- get baptized -- read The Word everyday! Pray everyday! Trust me, I did it. It's still and will forever be the best decision that I have ever made in life!

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the faith. Let's figure it out together with God. livingoutvisions@gmail.com

God Bless.


Random observations/questions about technology and the Christian *optional to read*

- Reading physical copies of The Bible are better to me, because for some reason you get more knowledge when you actually read from a book. Something about phones/tablets are distracting to me while reading. You may get a text, a call, or become distracted by social media. Books don't ring or vibrate. However, I do like how the internet has all of the different translations, as well as the option to copy and paste. So sharing The Bible is a cool feature that technology provides.

- How can gaming bring people closer to God?

- It's kind of messed up when you think about how we go on the internet and look at things/listen to things that we aren't supposed to with our phone/tablet, but then turn around and read the word of God with that same phone/tablet! God and evil can't share the same space! When light comes, darkness must go! 

- Entertainment doesn't have to be secular

- You should fast from technology that you depend on for at least a week each month

-  I have a love/hate relationship with the microwave. That has nothing to do with being a Christian, I'm just saying.

- The internet would be a cool place if people didn't pervert it

- It's interesting what Shane Hipps said about the clock and it's original use. 

- Technically, if there was no such thing as the internet you wouldn't be reading this right now. But then again, God can make a way. *someone in the background says "truuuue"*

- ...that's also true for all technology. Like the machine didn't heal you in that hospital...God did. Don't forget that. God just used that machine. He could've healed you literally with just a word. He probably did just use a word. What I'm saying is -- don't give the machine any credit haha. 

- Like the pastor said, I do thank God for technology. I just need to make sure I'm using it in the right way.

- I still feel some kind of way about apple products though


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