Discussion - Do I deserve this?
"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much." - Luke 16:10
[Warning - the punctuation in this post isn't the greatest. However, imagine instead of reading this you're actually hearing it. I even feel like that previous sentence was worded wrong. I'm actually certain it was. Even still - I'm talking; more than writing an essay.]
In life; we want for a multitude of things. It seems like every day something new pops up in our minds that we believe will be the greatest thing ever, the most necessary thing we can have, or something that will help us reach our dreams and goals. There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting things - but there are a few cases where wanting something so badly can turn that particular thing into an idol... and we don't want that to happen.
However idols isn't what this post is about.
This post is on being appreciative.
The bible states that the flesh is never satisfied, and if you look at your past you can see that fact to be true. If we were truly satisfied with all that we had, we would want for nothing. Literally, nothing. Unfortunately; sometimes our flesh can get us into a lot of trouble whereas we listen to it -- rather than waiting to hear from God or our spirit.
"Hell and destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied." - Proverbs 27:20
"For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want." - Galatians 5:17
"But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions
and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." Galatians 5:18-23
OK so now that we have a great understanding of the difference between the Spirit and the flesh, let's apply this to the things that we so desperately want in life. Do you think your flesh wants it, or your spirit? Do you want it for immoral reasons, impurity, out of hatred, discord, idolatry (there goes that word again.) or most importantly SELFISH AMBITION? Or do you want to bring love, joy and peace to the world?
I feel like we should all print a copy of Galatians 5:18-23 and carry it with us in our wallets/purses and hang it up in our room as a constant reminder to what we should or shouldn't do.
One of the main things you should get from these verses is the part where it says that "those who live like this will NOT inherit the kingdom of God." It's talking about living in the flesh. So...if you live according to the flesh...you'll want according to the flesh...if you want according to the flesh...you'll get according to the flesh...but the flesh is never satisfied, so you'll never truly be happy, AND you won't inherit the kingdom of God. Am I right?
We should all know by now that God wants the best for us. That's His thing. He is great and He can't help but be great, and anytime we are dealing with Him - whether it seems like it or not - He has been, is, and always will be good. Now with that fact being known, we can also conclude that since He is so good, He more than likely doesn't want to give us anything that will hurt us. That's why when praying and asking God for things, we should closely evaluate our hearts and motives to see the REAL reason behind why we want something. The best advice I can give you in this arena is "Ask God what HE wants for you, and what materials can be used to accomplish His plan for your life."
Once we make this realization, and we align our wants and needs with God's will, the blessings will flow - and this leads into my point - being appreciative with whatever it is that we have once we finally get it.
Why is it we beg and beg God for/to do something and when we finally get it we complain? I truly believe that this is causing us to decline, because if we are unappreciative with God has blessed us with right now at this current moment, why should He bless us at a higher level later? We need to start really pushing the flesh and it's desires to the side and being appreciative for all that we have (and don't have) because if not... I really don't see the point in us elevating any further.
"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much." - Luke 16:10
Imagine yourself an owner of a business. You have different employees that have different rankings and levels in the business based off experience, knowledge etc... There comes a time where you can elevate ONE person to a higher position...but only ONE. This higher position has much more benefits than the lower one.
Here are your two employees - both attain the same level of knowledge, experience etc...
- Employee #1 - Loves his job, gets to work on time everyday, can't really support his family the way that he wants to... but he doesn't complain...he's actually just happy he has the job.
- Employee #2 - Kind of likes his job, gets to work late everyday, half heartedly does his assignments, gets paid enough to live how he wants but still complains that the hours are too long and the chair makes his back hurt. He really just wants the job so he can afford to live in that cool house - to impress all of the ladies.
The answer is obvious, but who would you give the promotion to?
Be appreciative with what you have - because really, if all you have is God...you actually have everything you need.
Feel free to comment on how you feel about today's topic - however today's questions are related to the series premiere of the show! I know, the questions look like they are in test format, but this isn't school lol. I'm just asking questions in an organized manner. Don't be afraid of the test format look ha.
1. Do you think that drinking alcohol is a sin, or can it be done in moderation?
2. Is online dating a good or bad idea for Christians?
3. Do you think laziness is the leading cause to depression? If so what can you do to prevent laziness?
4. Has the enemy ever attacked you by making you tired or sluggish when you should be doing something? How'd you overcome it?
Thank you for watching the show and thank you for reading this. As a gift from me to you, the next episode of Young & Christian is set to air Sunday, November 30th @ 7:00pm (eastern time) ...but shhhh! Don't tell anyone! (Tell everyone)
1. You know I struggle with this one. I will say that I think getting drunk is a sin. I say this because the Bible talks about how drinking and being drunk can bring destruction in our lives. Idk, I always go back and forth on this one which is not good.
ReplyDelete2. Whew, this one idk too much about. I do believe however that all Christians should wait on God and from my understanding, online dating kinda puts everything in the persons hands. But I do think that it is importatnt that the people involved meet each other and actually get an understanding of who they are dealing with (be safe of course) Either way we need to all date people who are saved and love Jesus.
3. I would not be surprised if laziness is the leading cause to depression. I do know from personal experience that depression makes you lazy. When I went through a depression about 4 years ago, al I wanted to do was sleep all day long...my grades during freshman year really suffered because of this. My breaking point was when a doctor at health services gave me a bag full of sleeping pills (mind you I'm going through a depression) that was one of the moments that really made me try get my life together and fill up on God.
4. Hmm..I never looked at situations like this as the enemy trying to attack me...but I can definitely see that happening as I look back. Actually, I take that back. AfterI got saved, every single time I kneel down to pray, as soon as I start I yawn...I remember the first time this happened and I immediately felt like it was an attack from the enemy.