Discussion - What stage am I in?

When you're in a relationship, you try your hardest to make sure that the person that you are in a relationship with is happy. You go places with them, you call them often, and you spend quality time with them. If by any chance you begin to lose interest in them or make them unhappy, things can get a little shaky and unless you make things work, the relationship could crumble and in the worst case scenario -- the relationship could be over. Many of us ask questions like "What happened to the flame that we once had?" or "Why aren't we happy like we were when we first started?" Although these are valid questions, they are rarely resolved. Sometimes you literally have to backtrack to see where or what it is/was that brought you two together. If one is serious enough about the relationship, they will go back to trying as if they were just beginning... if not, they'll just let it go.

This is also very true with our relationship with God. Before we find God, we are lost. In either revelation or tribulation we happen to find out about Him -- and after that (depending on the person) we try to get closer to Him. Those that try to get closer to Him (through prayer, fasting, and reading the bible) soon realize that a relationship is forming. They begin to trust God, and go to God with all of their worries and fears. It even feels like He is literally right there with you guiding, teaching and listening.

I like to call this the "on fire" stage.

This is the early stage of the relationship where the Christian is metaphorically "on fire" for God and will do whatever it takes to make Him happy. This stage is full of heavy praying, heavy reading of The Word, and major happiness. This stage is also where a lot of shifting happens in the real world. (you start losing friends, doors are opened, and things begin to rearrange.) Some people fear this stage because of the 'losing friends' part, but to those that continue trying to grow in their relationship with God, they soon realize that those "friends" weren't really friends to begin with.

Then there's the trouble stage.

Things aren't always all great and marvelous as one would think. There IS an enemy, and he is ALWAYS on the prowl looking to destroy or bring down God's children. He's especially mad when he had you for a while living a sinful non-God-centered lifestyle, and sees you trying to leave for a better option. This can be compared to what we would call a "jealous ex" in worldly relationships. This is a rough time for a "younger in the faith" Christian, who recently formed a relationship with God because they are typically easily distracted and that past life just seems sooooo great right? Wrong. I've seen a lot of people fall back into old ways when trouble comes, because they just weren't ready. I can even say that I fell victim myself into old ways before...we all do I guess. HOWEVER, God loves us tooooooo much to just let us go that easily.

The "second chance" stage.

Sometimes when we slip up, we really take it hard on ourselves. We feel like we are unworthy and we will never ever be good enough. This is a very depressing feeling, and it also comes when we feel like we are stuck in a certain place or situation. Sometimes doubt even surfaces, with thoughts such as "Does God even really exist?" or "Why am I even doing this?" ...I assure you, this is a trick of the devil. If he can get you into thinking that you are unworthy, then he can get you to do what he wants. Have you ever thought to yourself "I love God...I feel like I'm living right - or at least trying to - but I just feel down for some reason." If you love God, and are trying to do right, why should you feel down? You're doing the right thing! You're trying to walk on the narrow path!

"For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it." 
- Matthew 7:14

Like I said before, there IS an enemy and he is ALWAYS on the prowl.

"Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." 1 Peter 5:8

However - God is good and He waits patiently for us to come to our senses, come back to Him, and leave all that silly mess the enemy is trying to create in us alone. It seems as if we get a billion chances in life, but I call this the second chance stage because it's like a second wind - like the "on fire" stage again almost. We say "ok, I'm going to do this again...but this time I'm going to get it right." (Sometimes over, and over, and over again.)

Many Christians are in the second chance stage. It's a weird stage, where you feel good that you're trying...but you feel like you could be trying harder.

Which leads to the complacent stage.

Complacency is the worst feeling ever. Sometimes it even feels like lukewarmness. Like you're just going through the motions rather than actually striving for a relationship with God. Like "Am I doing this because I want to, or because I feel I have to?" ...Once these questions roll in, we tend to begin slacking off and not doing what we should with as much enthusiasm. This tends to lead to lack of prayer and that "fire" we spoke on kind of diminishes. Kind of half heartedly doing things...not really caring...not taking things too seriously. Then what feels like lukewarmness BECOMES lukewarmness.
That's a no no.

So what do you do? How do you keep your "fire lit" with God? How do you make sure that your relationship remains in tact and you don't lose your faith? 

I say the same way you would any relationship. Go back to where it all began. Back to spending a lot of time with Him. Back to reading the bible everyday. Back to giving all of your troubles to Him and trusting He'll help you get through them. Back to praying frequently. Back to square one. We have to get that thirst back. Get that fire back. Save our relationship. Save ourselves.

How would you suggest keeping up a healthy relationship with God? What stage do you think you are in? Are you in a new stage? Would you add anything to the list? Let's all talk about it! 


  1. All of these stages are so familiar to me. Right now I feel like I am in a awkward stage. This stage is tricky because if I am not careful I will end up in the complacent stage but if I nurture this stage I can grow more and more and not be stagnant. This is a new stage for me. Of course as believers we will never stop growing, which to me is very beautiful. I realized today that I need to keep God at the center of my life so that I won't become complacent.

  2. I've been in all of these stages before...in this order. I'm in a pretty nice place right now with God though... My problem is I get a little too comfortable and need to humble myself at times. Just because you're close to God doesn't mean you're good! Ha. We have to keep seeking Him and make ourselves like obedient children.

  3. I love this topic! Haha. I have been in the complacent stage forever! But, it is funny how we like to compare our earthly relationships, with an omnipresent God! I believe we put ourselves in these emotional stages and try to spiritulize our emotions. God has been the same God in the same place at the same throne with the same power in all of our emotional stages. Im just saying, once we realize God never distances himself from us, maybe we will stop distancing ourselves from him. I need to take my own advice lol

    1. I love what you said about spiritualizing our emotions. That right there is not okay. We gotta stop going through the motions in our walk with God. Our faith needs to be on the sure, stury, rock solid foundation of Jesus Christ

  4. Yes girl. We do! I am always spiritualizing these crazy emotions of mine haha. One day I will feel like the world is against me and try to spiritualize it by saying " maybe God has me in this season of isolation from people who are not good for me" or I might be in a really happy mood and start thinking " oh yea! This is my greater is coming season!" . Lol bruh how I go from isolation to greater is coming in a month? Seasons last longer than that! It's just my emotions. Also, we have to be careful because the enemy speaks to our feelings ! God speaks to our spirit so most of the time when we are vulnerable and in our feelings, the enemy will try to get us to be depressed and thinking crazy. While God is speaking to our spirit ALL THE TIME. We just need to read our word and listen with not just our ears. We can't limit how God can speak to us.

  5. I have this thing where if I'm sad about something or something doesn't turn out exactly as I have planned... I go into seclusion. This almost always hinders my relationships with people that are close to me and I'm also starting to think that it's hindering my friendships as well. I don't know how to fix this problem, but I also feel like everyone has their own way of dealing with situations. Also, as of lately I haven't been putting God completely first all the time. I don't know why, but I've just been a little too comfortable, you know? This typically happens when things are going really well in my life, and I think I'm good. It'll be small things like when I should be praying or reading the bible - someone may call me, and instead of telling them I'll call you back I'll talk to them for a little while... that'll turn into a long while and then next thing you know it's late and I'm too tired to read or effectively pray. Then there are other times where I feel like I should do something but I choose not to for some reason and I'll feel bad afterwards...I don't know. Sometimes I feel as if I'm not living right even though I'm trying to. Like even though it seems on the outside that I'm doing the right thing, on the inside I feel kind of sad like I'm nowhere near where I need to be. I don't want to be prideful, selfish, self-centered, lukewarm, arrogant, or any of that - but I see myself becoming those things more and more each day. I'm battling against myself. I don't want to run away from society this time though. I want to trust in God and with His help push through it. Please... whoever is reading this, pray for me. Thank you!

  6. Praying! As I was reading this a scripture came to mind. Ephesians 6:12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. I believe you are just like me! When I get in my feelings or sonething disappoints me, I shut down . I put everyone in the same category. Do not let your feelings control you. The enemy speaks to our feelings. There's another scripture about your feelings leading you to destruction. Tell those feelings to abide in the Lord and his will! Also, this is a spiritual battle with you. God is saying, "I want you to myself so all you can focus on is me, ii is not personal, it's spiritual!" This doesn't mean be seclusive but get into your prayer closet! Seek God! Don't let the enemy tell you you are off track! You are RIGHT ON TiME! Says the Lord! You shall endure if you faint not. Start writiing. You have so much in store PASTOR! AUTHOR! PRODUCER! Ha just endure and don't Faint!


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